Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Award and Ten Things About Me

Oh *blush* I have been given an award by my lovely blogger buddy over at Pale and Pallor Princess. It's my first one, and apparently you don't just get to give a sappy acceptance speech along the lines of 'You love me, you really love me', but you actually have to do something...So here goes...

1) Thank and link the person who gave you the award.
2) Pass this award onto fabulous bloggers of your choice.
3) Contact said blogs and let them know they've won.
4) Re-post and state 10 things about yourself.

Lilli is my most regularly visited blogger. Her style is enviable, to say the least, her knowledge of online shopping vast, and her ability to constantly inject her readers with positive body image is incredible. She also has the fabulous gifts of being succinct and being able to photograph herself in a way which doesn't add a family of chins - both areas were I fail dismally! I salute you Lilli!

I do rather enjoy ink, having three tattoos myself (I will be elaborating on these later, as part of the fourth criteria listed above...) and in my wandering for great artists and lovely tattoos I stumbled on the wonderous, Coppenhagen based ConspiracyInc. It is meticulously updated by Amalie (when they are based in Coppenhagen) and I love her homely style of writing, the way she gives such a sense of the shop, and the odd flash of life in Coppenhagen. I have long wished to visit the Danish Capital, and now will have to try and secure an appointment for a little bit of body art at the same time. I salute you Amalie and ConspiracyInc!

And now for ten things about me:

I get silly TV crushes all the time. McDreamy from Greys, Pacey from Dawson's Creek, Hyde from That 70s Show, House from House, Eric from True Blood.
When I was little I was pretty sure all my soft toys and teddies were alive. I was obsessed with treating them fairly, so I used to sleep with all of them on my bed at one time, which meant there was barely any room for me.
I am a home body. I can be quite the social butterfly, and struggle to go home after my third glass of wine, I love travelling and seeing new things, but I need to have a home - a centre where I can hibernate, and a space that is mine. Without a little bit of own time, surrounded by my own things I go mad!
I am a little scared of heights, but only when there is no guard rail. I just kind of want to jump. Not in a sad, depro way, just to see what it feels like to be that free for a moment.
My entire childhood I wanted to be an actress. I am not sure when I grew out of it. Must have been around the time that reality set in.
I hope to live in Edinburgh, Mexico and Berlin before I die. I want to visit India, Brazil, New Orleans, Morroco and Israel before I die.
I studied Journalism and Media Studies. The media fascinates me - its prevalence in our daily lives, its democratic power, its attempts at impartiality that usually result in the further entrenching of ideology and stereotypes. I love blogs because by reading a wide variety you get such a good cross section of opinions and lifestyles.
I am a Gleek! I am a total sucker for musicals...give me cheesy families singing on mountain tops, the merry murderesses of Chicago, Parisian love of Nicole and Euan, Christine and the Phantom. And to now receive this sort of high every week! Singing and dancing should be compulsory - it just makes happiness! This week was the Madonna episode which brings me to...
Guilty Pleasures! I have a few of these - that make me wince a little when I get caught out on them, but I know everyone has a few. I can't let them all slip (a girl should have her secrets) but for example, I long to see Madonna in concert - the woman may be a total pain in the arse, but you can't knock her hits, or her massive impact on popular culture, and bottom line is, I just love singing along to her in the car!
I want to write a book, I want to write a few books in fact... I don't need to be a best selling author, I am quite happy to be the writer of one of those books where you go into the book store, like the blurb on the back, and when you start reading it you find something in there you want to write down, because you couldn't have said it better yourself.


  1. lol, glad to know I'm not the only one that gets the impulse to jump. I can handle heights if there's not a way I can fall, like If I'm looking from a glass window or something, but if it's a cliff or a bridge or something I'm terrified. Walking over the Brooklyn Bridge was quite the ordeal. (but well worth it)

  2. Ha ha. It's funny that New Orleans is on your list with plances like Brazil, Morroco and Israel. Being from New Orleans and seeing that you live in London and want visit here, is kind of funny to me.

  3. Sorry, I meant “places” not plances.

  4. Hey, thanks for the award and sorry i haven't replied sooner!
    I'm gonna really try and think of 10 things about all of us at the shop!

    Also, if you like the conspiracy blog, check out my private (or, non-work) blog too:
    And my husbands:

    Thanks again, i hope you'll get to visit Copenhagen some day!

