Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring: is there an app for that?

Our first daffs of the year

The silence is due to my new's just so lovely! It arrived yesterday and I have spent the last 2 days lovingly adding apps, music and photos. It has taken my mind of the sty still taking advantage of my eye's apparent hospitality. It seems to be on its way out thank god.

The other thing that's been making me rather chipper the last couple of days is a big bowl of daffodils we have on our mantelpiece. They have all burst into bloom, and are filling the room with a scent of spring, and whenever I look at them I remember that their brothers and sisters are poking their little heads out of the ground all over England and that spring is surely here now and summer soon to follow. The sun has got his hat on...Hip hip hip hip horray...

1 comment:

  1. I treat my iPhone like a baby. Updating it, getting it new apps, new's my bestie. haha I write a fatshion-y blog @ you shoudl check it out - I love vintage and define my fashion as having a element of humor to it :)

    - Sarah
